Monday, April 27, 2015

Camping Plans, Your Mobile Friendly Website

Our daughter and family's camper..New last year.
Hey there! The weather s warming up and I'm getting the camping bug. We got our camper (fifth wheel) out of storage last week. Now to find a Michigan State Park campground with availability! Yes, the campgrounds fill up quickly. So take this as a reminder, if you are planning a camping trip, get your reservations in now to be sure you'll have a site!


Mobile devices are the most popular way to access the Internet
Photo courtesy of by adamr
Have you heard all the buzz about making sure your website is mobile ready? Do you realize almost 80% of visits on the Internet are made from a mobile device? 

To avoid having your visitors deal with the text being too small, the links too tiny, and scrolling sideways to see all the content, you need to optimize your site for viewing on a mobile phone.You can check if your site is mobile responsive with a mobile friendly test from Google on their webmaster tools pageJust copy the URL of the site you wish to check into the box on the page, and you will receive an answer immediately.
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Hope you're having a marvelous start to the beginning of this week. My DH and I are installing a laminate floor in our kitchen--together. He gave me some time off so I am writing this blog post on the fly. Can't wait to see the floor all done, but getting there may cause a few aches and pains. I'm sure it will be so worth it.
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Enjoy the springy weather!! J.Q.

Connect with J.Q. Rose online at
J.Q. Rose blog
J. Q.  Rose Amazon Author Page


Miss Mae said...

Thanks for the link to be tested and it said each site was "awesome".

HOWEVER, I've had complaints that Feeling Nosey looks bad in mobiles. It might be the pic I use for the background, although on my PC and laptop, my white covers up the pic... am not sure why it doesn't show the same on mobiles.

Sigh. Technology is so frustrating.

Enjoy your new floor! :)

Neeks said...

Thank you Janet, this was cool! Both of the blogs I work with showed up "awesome." This is good to know!

J.Q. Rose said...

MM--I checked your site on my kindle and it looks good. Glad you checked out okay.

J.Q. Rose said...

Neeks, glad your sites passed! Thanks for stopping by.

Marsha said...

Wow, JQ, this was really helpful. My website didn't pass. (Now this is the way my husband reads it and has never complained.:) ) However, I'll we checking with the folks who host my site. I actually think I remember seeing an email about this from them a month or so back. Must research this. I'll share for certain. Thanks.

Susan Bernhardt said...

J.Q. have fun camping! What a life you have...Florida in the winter and camping in the summer.

We went to Disney World last month and on our first Caribbean cruise. Loved both. And it was great to get away to Florida. It snowed twice while we were gone, the biggest snowfalls of the winter.

Great post.

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha, glad you discovered this problem. Google isn't going to search non-mobile friendly sites as I understand it. I'm sure your hosts will know what to do! Yes, please keep us updated!

J.Q. Rose said...

Susan, sounds like a fun winter for you. And missing 2 snowfalls is just icing on the cake! Thanks for stopping in.

emaginette said...

Yes, all done. And thanks for the reminder. :-)

Anna from Elements of Writing

Helena Fairfax said...

Thanks so much for this post, JQ. I've never thought about whether my site is mobile friendly or not. Luckily it passed the test - because otherwise, I don't know what I'd do! So much to think about. Thanks again for the great tip!

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome, Anna.

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, congrats on being mobiie friendly! I wouldn't know what to do either. I guess dig deeper. I did read the blog post on it and there are some other things you can do to make it even better, but my brain was not ready to take all that in!

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