Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Baker's Dozen of Helpful Websites for Writers, Cover Reveal

Writer on the job
Hello and welcome!

Sometimes we need a break from writing to re-charge and think. Today I listed a baker's dozen of websites to inspire you, teach you, and to just make you think about your writing. They are in no particular order and I didn't explain each one because I want you to go and find out what they have to offer. Curious? I hope so.

I also listed three groups which are helpful to romance and mystery writers. Check these out too to pick up all kinds of information.( If you want to know police procedure, then you definitely need to join the Crime Scene Writer group!)

Click on each site and group to discover what they offer. Have fun! Let me know which ones you found helpful.

A Baker's Dozen of Helpful Websites for Writers by J.Q. Rose


Funds forWriters-- for freelance writers 


What are some of your go-to websites for inspiration or knowledge on writing? Please leave a comment below. 


Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing:
The Writing Process, Publishing, and Marketing

I am so excited to reveal the cover for the writing tips eBook. 

In this book, fifteen romance and mystery authors share writing tips they have gleaned from their experiences as “on-the-job” writers. The tips in the eBook are organized into the main topics of writing, publishing, and marketing. The authors also share the “light bulb moments” in their writing journey, questions they are asked most often, and the most helpful advice on writing they have received. 
The goal of sharing this information is to smooth and straighten the rocky and twisting journey for writers along the path to a rewarding career in writing. 
The one thing I discovered when I became a published author was the generosity of those who stepped up to share their experiences on their path to publishing. This eBook is a chance to pay it forward to writers who are looking for support and encouragement and lessons for success in their writing ventures.
I'm anxious to get this eBook of practical tips and advice into the hands of readers. Watch for the announcement of the release on this blog soon!
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Anonymous said...

Hi JQ, Thanks as ever for the informative post. I'll check out those sites you mentioned. A lot of them are new to me.
I enjoy following Writers in the Storm
They nearly always have useful articles and great writing tips.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Helena. I'll check out your suggestion too.

Anonymous said...

I'm familiar with a couple of those groups mentioned, J. Q. Some of the bloggers I follow are participants, so I enjoy their writing tips on their blogs. It's true, writers are generous about sharing information with other writers. The new book sounds like it could help a lot of people, and its cover is very nice too.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for stopping by, M.J. Yes, I found a lot of these sites through the IWSG blog hop and from authors suggesting them to me.

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