Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Flavor, Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing Line-up, Heather Fraser Brainerd, Giveaway, This Week

Our mums are so beautiful this year and abundant.

Now this is the way to spend a crisp, fall evening--
a warm campfire for a wiener (hot dog) roast including bratwurst and grillers. Yum!
This fall I am hosting a bunch of talented romance and mystery authors who are sharing their tips on the writing process, publishing, and marketing. My guests and the dates they give up their tips are listed below. 

Join us every Thursday for the series, Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing.

2 Roseanne Dowell
9 Miss Mae
16 Heather Fraser Brainerd
23 Marva Dasef
30 Gail Roughton
6 Joselyn Vaughn
13 Melissa Maygrove
20 Conda Doughlas 
4 Marsha R West
11 J.Q. Rose
18 Helena Fairfax

This Week

Thursday, October 16--Paranormal mystery author, Heather Fraser Brainerd, shares her "Light bulb" moment with us and gives away a copy of her book. The lucky commenter chooses which one she/he wants.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

And a fun time will be had by all, I'm sure. Love the photos. Our flowers have all died for the winter. But the colours of autumn are spectacular. Hope your series is a huge success. See you there.

Miss Mae said...

Love a weiner roast! Am I invited???

Anonymous said...

The mums are pretty. I hope you topped off the weiner roast with some roasted marshmallows.

emaginette said...

I'm looking forward to the wisdom. :-)

Anna from Shout with Emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Joylene, glad you have colorful trees. For sure come back every week!

J.Q. Rose said...

MM--yeah, except no campfires allowed in FL!

J.Q. Rose said...

Susanne, Marshmallows? You bet!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Anna, Me too! And so much fun to interact with guests and give away prizes!

Susan Bernhardt said...

Janet, your mums are beautiful. What a lovely backyard. And those look like brats also!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susan, the mums really spark up a yard after the garden has been put to bed for the winter and all the annuals have been pulled up. Yes, those are brats on the fire. The boys also like those little "grillers" sausages roasted. They're only about 2 bites for them, but have a great flavor when cooked over a campfire. Thanks for stopping. BTW, my backyard now has a palm tree. We made our annual migration to FL for the winter. I am missing the colorful foliage though!

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