Monday, October 6, 2014

Artprize 2014, This Week, Giveaways

How I wish I could capture in photos the most amazing works of art presented at Artprize this year in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  This international art competition is the biggest in the world with artists competing for $560,000 in prizes in various categories. Winners are determined by the public vote and a juried group of professionals. This experience is like no other and free to the public!  I am sharing some of the amazing entries we encountered out of the 1537 pieces entered. The competition is open to any artist 18 and older. Please take a peek at the photos for a taste of the 19 day festival held every fall in Grand Rapids. 

This installation is made up of living plants. A great reminder to just step away, enjoy the festival's unique works of art, and breathe.

The author framed by flowers

These little colored pencil drawn ladies made me chuckle.

Brilliant lighted art piece of blown glass.

A 23 foot long panel of galloping mustangs created from all kinds of wood.

The "Chihuly-inspired" hanging is actually made of plastic bottles, not blown glass, painted by elementary students and put together by the art teachers. I appreciated its beauty even more after learning about the creation of this masterpiece.

A whimsical family of turtles. Smile...

The title of this piece is "Wind."

Grand Rapids Petroglyph--Fish carved and painted in stones 
that line the banks of the Grand River.
This river runs through the downtown area of the city.

A horse made of junk. Lots of car parts. Art fashioned from trash.

This Week

Monday, October 6--All week at the Girls Succeed Blog, I read an excerpt from the chapter in Girls Succeed! about Angela Ruggiero, Olympic Gold Medalist in Women's Ice Hockey. Okay, I may be driving you crazy with these audio recordings and sharing them on my blogs.  It's a lot of fun to make the words on the page come alive by recording them for listeners. But please be honest, and let me know if it is annoying. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 8--Author Miss Mae celebrates the launch of her new audio book, Ahoy Gum Drop, October 7 and 8 on Facebook. The invitation to join this zany gang of characters and the link to the party are below. I'll be a guest from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm on October 8. The narrator Owen, will be there too. He does an amazing job with all the voices of Miss Mae's entertaining cast. Come on over for fun and prizes with the gang from Gum Drop Island.

Thursday, October 9--Miss Mae shares writing tips on dialogue, setting, and editing at the Romance and Mystery Authors On Writing Event. Giveaways too!


Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Wonderful photos! I'm partial to the whimsical turtles although I think Wind is my favorite of the bunch. Thanks for sharing!

Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Madeline. My face hurt from grinning while viewing those fun turtles. Each one had their own personality, The Wind really touched me emotionally. So beautiful.

Miss Mae said...

These are exceptional, and all show talent! Not sure which I like best. Love the horses in wood, fish in stone, and the trash creation. LOL

Would really love to view all this in person. :)

Interesting post, J.Q. I really enjoyed this, thanks. :)

Tess Grant said...

We love Artprize!! Haven't made it down this year yet though.

emaginette said...

Loved the art, especially "Wind" :-)

Anna from Shout with Emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

MM--Okay MM, it's a date. Come on over next fall and I'll meet you in Grand Rapids. The works are inspiring, funny, moving. YOu'd love the experience!

J.Q. Rose said...

Tess, your girls would and you would love a day of viewing. Hope you get a chance to make it.

J.Q. Rose said...

Anna, I agree. Dare I say, the Wind piece blew me away? !!

J.Q. Rose said...

Congratulatins to Marsha! She won the drawing for Roseanne's book! Congratulations, Marsha!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for viewing, Susanne!

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