Monday, September 29, 2014

This Week: IWSG Blog Hop, Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing, Giveaways

Are your leaves coloring up in your area? In West Michigan, 
the peak is usually mid-October, but seeing color now. By Simon Howden

This week we kick off a new fall series, Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing. Respected authors of romance and mystery stories share their tips on the writing process, publishing, and marketing. You'll get to meet your favorites and discover new authors as well as enter a drawing for giveaways. Can you feel the the electricity and excitement in the air? It's not from those cool, fall breezes. It always happens when a new event takes off on the J.Q. Rose blog. You're invited to join in every Thursday this fall.

Our Tipster Authors in October are:

2 Roseanne Dowell
9 Miss Mae
16 Heather Fraser Brainerd
23 Marva Dasef
30 Gail Roughton


Wednesday, October 1--The first Wednesday of the month means it's time for the Insecure Writers Support Group blog hop. This month is special because participants will be offering tips on writing. (I don't know. Does the change in seasons 'cause writers to give up their writing secrets?) My tip is a plan to help with guest blogging. 

Thursday, October 2-- Mystery and romance author Roseanne Dowell gives up the first tips in the series, and they deal with creating characters and editing. And does she have some fantastic characters in her books published by Books We Love. 

Looking forward to seeing you here this week!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like some great stuff going on this week.

J.Q. Rose said...

Sure enough, Susanne. Hope you get a chance to return!!

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