Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Insecure Writers Support Group: New Beginnings

Hello and welcome to  the IWSG blog hop. 

Happy Third Anniversary 
to the Internet Writers Support Group!

What is IWSG? Founder of IWSG and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" 

The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month, The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought-provoking topics on writing and publishing. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page

Happy First Wednesday of the month, Back to School, and Fall! I know it isn't officially fall yet on the calendar, but I figure after school starts, it is fall to me!

New Beginnings by J.Q. Rose
The "back to school" time of year is one of new beginnings. When I taught third grade, I appreciated the opportunity to start over with a new group of children every fall. And they got the chance to have a fresh start with a new teacher.  Teachers are lucky to have the beginning of the school year to make resolutions to be a better teacher, better person, and have that fresh chance to super-charge their teaching methods and interaction with the students. Plus they get a new year in January to made resolutions to improve their teaching and their lives. 

Teachers shouldn't be the only career allowed to have two new beginnings in one year, so I am declaring this time of year a new opportunity to get excited and motivated to make a fresh approach with my writing career. I am tossing around the idea of indie publishing  my WIP instead of staying with a small press. I've also been looking into new ways to super charge my book promotions e.g. podcasting, inteviews, videos. 

So I'm going "back to class" online to learn how to do all these things and to get a handle on the technology available to us for interacting with readers and writers. I'm a bit insecure about using the Google+ Hangouts on Air, but I can't wait to find out how to start my own and participate in actually sharing with folks in that medium. Do you have experience with the Hangouts? Any tips for the newbie user?

What about you? Are you ready for a fresh start?  To  tackle something new in writing methods, writing process, technology, research? I'm ready just as soon as I find that stash of chocolate!! 

Best wishes for success in making your own new beginnings in September!

Connect online with J.Q. Rose:


Kim Van Sickler said...

You are absolutely right! I do still tend to think of the start of the school year as a perfect time to start afresh for me as an adult too. Guess it's a carryover from my youth. I need to get cracking on a new book--I've plotted it but need to write those chapters. Make it come alive!

Laura Clipson said...

I love new beginnings and fresh starts, they really give us an opportunity to grow. I've just got a promotion at work, so I'm seeing that as a new beginning, to see how it will make me better myself.
Good luck with your learning!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sounds like you have a lot of options you can pursue.
I'm ready for a fresh start as well.

J.Q. Rose said...

Go for it, Kim! Sounds like a great project for your new start.

J.Q. Rose said...

Congrats, Laura, on your new promotion. I'm sure you'll have lots to learn too! Thanks for stopping in,

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Alex, yes, we all have lots of ideas swirling in our brains. This is the time to start working on at least one of them. Good luck with your fresh start!

Anonymous said...

Hi JQ, what a great idea to think of this as a time for fresh beginnings - and not just the end of summer! There are always new things to learn. Wishing you all the best in your new "term"!

Michelle Wallace said...

My side of the globe it's the beginning of Spring... which means a time of rejuvenation... fresh start... New Beginnings...
There is a new project hanging over my head (I mean that in the best possible way...)
I love learning new things!
Good luck to you as you make a fresh start!

Tess Grant said...

I admire your willingness to jump into the new marketing options available out there. Go, JQ! I'm going to take this new beginning to make my writing a daily habit again...and I'm looking forward to it.

Melissa said...

I'm ready to get back to writing my next book, but life keeps dragging me away from my keyboard. LOL The kids have been in school for two weeks and I only have 10 words to show for it. >.<

Thanks for visiting my blog. The Follow Fest Linky will be on my blog (and probably the FF information page, too) when the fest starts. I'm having people sign up after their posts launch this year. ;)

J.Q. Rose said...

Oh, Michelle, I love spring with all the new life sprouting. That should be inspiring for you. Wish I could fly over down there and watch spring blossom with you! Enjoy.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey, Tess, I'm going to drag you right along with me especially when your books come out!! Thanks for stopping in,

J.Q. Rose said...

Melissa, I understand completely, but those 10 words are a start and I'm sure you are plotting in your head what to write too. Looking forward to the FF. I'm already shouting about it. If anyone is interested in joining in for a great opportunity to meet more folks Sept 22-26, here's the link

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena, yes the end of summer is kind of a downer, so looking forward to new beginnings helps ease the end of summer blues. Thanks for coming by.

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