Monday, September 22, 2014

Follow Blog Fest--Come along and join the fun!

Blog button designed by Carrie Butler.

Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog. Today begins the Follow Blog Fest, the brainchild of Melissa Maygrove, The purpose of this blog fest is to offer a platform building opportunity for writers. 

Come on in and stay awhile. The food table is in the back of the room decorated with fall mums and colored leaves to celebrate the first day of Fall with you. Please help yourself to fresh apple cider and donuts too. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Name: J.Q. Rose

Fiction or nonfiction? 

What genres do you write? 
Mystery, romance, non-fiction

Are you published? 
Yes. My mysteries are with MuseItUpPublishing. 

The non-fiction book for girls, Girls Succeed! is self-published.

Do you do anything in addition to writing? 
Hmmm, does grandmothering count?

Tell us a little about yourself.
We are campers, but not the tenting kind. I have to have a microwave and an electric blanket when I camp. We enjoy traveling and, in fact, RVed full-time for over eight years and loved it. I never thought I could live with just a couple of pans, couple of shorts, and jeans, but I did. Not much space in a camper, but great for those who, like me,  hate housekeeping!

What are you reading right now?
APE by Guy Kawasaki and  Force of Nature by Suzanne Brockman

Which authors influenced you the most?
Jan Karon who wrote the Mitford Series and Mark Twain

Where can people connect with you?
I know I'm probably in the minority, but I am not a tweeter.
Not linked in with my pen name

 Author pages:
Smashwords Author Profile


Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
I enjoy meeting authors by hosting PG-13 and up published authors on my J.Q. Rose blog and MG and YA authors on my Girls Succeed blog. If you're doing a Virtual Book Tour, contact me so you can make a stop here! It's fun to swap blogs, 
so I would be happy to be your guest too. 

Thanks to Melissa Maygrove for spearheading this clever Follow Fest project. 
Thank you to all of you for stopping in.
Please leave a comment below so I can visit your page too. 
 I'm looking forward to meeting you.


Melissa said...

Thank you for participating, JQ! I enjoyed learning more about you. I'm envious, too. One of these days, I want to take an RV and see the US.

If you even want to swap guest posts, look me up. ;)

Anonymous said...

What a fun blogfest. It was fun learning more about you J.Q!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Melissa, thanks for stopping in. I will take you up on swapping posts for sure. Thank you.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susanne. This is a new kind of blog hop for me. Should meet a lot of folks!

Ava Bleu said...

Hi JQ,

So you are a luxury camper. I can totally relate. I like to think I could rough it but every time there's a power outage I panic, certain that people will soon be turning on each other for bottle water and Spam.

Congratulations and nice to meet you. :-)

J.Q. Rose said...

Hello Ava, nice to meet you too. Love your concern about folks turning on each other for water and Spam! Sounds like the beginning of a new novel!!

Anonymous said...

Mmm.. I never gave it much thought, but camping with an electric blanket sounds amazing!!

cleemckenzie said...

Grandmothering counts big time! Great to meet you.

Anonymous said...

RV's are nice, but boy, 8 years??? *whistle* Does that mean you didn't have your house in MI or the one in FL then? What made you decide to stick to one place after that many years (and miles) on the road?

You are one interesting gal, J.Q. :)

Unknown said...

RVing for 8 years?! I'm jealous! Looking forward to following you. Have liked and befriended you.

Unknown said...

I'm with the others: you RVed full-time for over eight years??? I don't think I could survive a day! And I had the pleasure of attending a talk by Guy Kawasaki at the San Francisco Writers Conference last year. He's truly a dynamic speaker! Great meeting you through FF:)

J.Q. Rose said...

Olivia, electric blanket for sure. With that said, I have to always have electricity, but we have gone without a water hook up as our RV has a big tank to hold drinking water and 2 big tanks for holding used water like from the sinks and another tank from the toilet. Hmm, TMI? Thanks for stopping.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi C Lee--yay for grandmothering. I enjoy your posts on IWSG. Thanks for stopping by.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey IB--I never told you about the RVing days? Hmm..I wonder if that would be worthy of a book. Got me thinking now. Watch out! Yeah, full time RVing. No house anywhere. It was wonderful!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Peggy, thanks for friending me and following. I'l find you and do the same! This is a great blog hop!

Anonymous said...

Aww, mystery. A woman after my own heart. Have a great Follow Fest.

Trish Esden said...

I'm so happy we got the chance to connect. One the characters in my WIP lives in an RV. I wish I could. I do hate housekeeping. Unfortunately, I also am a collector so my RV would be packed.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Dawnall, thanks for stopping by. Mystery for you too? High five!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Pat, I'd love to read your story with the RV character. The campers/motor homes nowadays could be considered condos-on-wheels. Everything in them if you want to spend the money. No room for collections for sure! Good to meet ya'!

Dani said...

Grandmothering does count!! Must It Up sounds like a cool publishing name!!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

That's my kind of camping! And you make RV-ing sound like an excellent solution to the dreaded housekeeping. :)

Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I like your version of camping. i don't do tents either.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Dani, MuseItUp is a pretty cool group of authors too. Very supportive. Thanks for stopping in,

J.Q. Rose said...

Madeline, "dreaded housekeeping" made me laugh. My thoughts exactly!

J.Q. Rose said...

Right on, Alex. Tried a tent once and that was enough.

Sherry Ellis said...

I'd say grandmothering counts! So nice to learn about you through this blog fest!

Romance Reader said...

It's wonderful to meet you. So thankful for this blogfest, I loved reading all about you!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Hello, Rose, nice to meet you!!

Dani and Jax said...

You sound busy! RVing would be tons of fun!

Ava Quinn said...

Mmmm, apple cider! Great to get to know more about you through Follow Fest, Rose. RVing for 8 years! Yowza! You're one brave chick!!

Nick Wilford said...

Nice to meet you, JQ. Tents can be fun, I just hate putting them up! You must have some great adventures with the grandkids in the RV.

emaginette said...

So much more to you than I thought. And yes, grandmothering counts. Thanks for sharing. :-)

Anna from Shout with Emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Sherry, Grandmothering is a blessing.

Romance Reader, Blushing. Thank you.

Catherina, Nice to meet you too.

J.Q. Rose said...

Dani and Jax, Rving is fun, but let me tell you living full-time is a lot easier. I hate the packing and unpacking part of recreational RVing. But it's worth it!

Ava, Thanks, Ava. Not a brave chick, my DH was with me all the way!

J.Q. Rose said...

Nick, Lots of chuckles watching inexperienced tenters puttin up a tent. Mean, aren't I? LOL

HI Anna, Yes, we do get to know each other better thru the follow fest. What a great idea!

Loni Townsend said...

I think I met you through IWSG, but it's great to see you join in Follow Fest too! Unless I met you last year?? Gah, I don't remember anymore. Anyways, it was great learning more about you. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Loni, yes we met through IWSG. What a great bunch they are there too. Thank you for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice to meet you! I love to travel, but yeah, I'm not a happy camper in a tent. Lately I've been spending some time back in college housing, going to workshops all over the place, so much fun!

GL Tomas said...

Totally goina check out your Girls Succeed blog! Nice to meet you on the hop!

Demetria Foster Gray said...

Hi J.Q. nice to meet you. I'm still making my rounds on the Follow Fest list (determined to make all the stops). Thanks for sharing an inside view of yourself.

I'd love to know what J.Q. stands for. Also nice to know you're an ex teacher and florist. Happy camping.

J.Q. Rose said...

kelworth--No tenting, but college dorm? What kind of workshops? On writing. Sounds like fun.

GL--thanks for stopping in. Do you write for MG readers? Yes, please stop in at Girls Succeed. Thanks.

J.Q. Rose said...

Demetria--Kudos to you for trying to visit everyone on the blog hop.! J stands for Janet and Q is for my maiden name. J.Q. Rose is my pen name. I chose rose because I was in the flower business but mostly because I love roses, any color, any fragrance.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Grandmothering certainly does count! Great to meet you!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Southpaw, good to meet you too. I suspect you are a leftie.

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