Sunday, August 24, 2014

Share Your Knowledge--You Can Teach Writing

Share Your Knowledge. Teach a Class on Writing by J.Q. Rose
School starts after Labor Day in Michigan. I know some of you have kids who returned to the classroom a lot earlier. Students go back to school, but what about you? Yes, you can take a writing or marketing class. How about teaching one?
If you're a writer, you can teach a writing class. Now, don’t guffaw at that statement. Who better than a working writer to shepherd a group of folks who are hungry to set down words on the page? You remember the thrill of writing down your thoughts. Some of you may even remember the favorable response from friends and family who loved your story or article. Perhaps you are still in the glow of seeing your name on a published article or book. Don’t you want to help someone achieve their dream?
Teaching writing can be a volunteer job or a paid position. I began teaching a class on writing life stories after a writer in my writer’s group shared a diary that her great great grandfather kept in the 1800’s. This was an eye-opening experience for me. Encouraging folks to write/record their lives as a historical record of their times and as a gift to future generations has become a mission for me. 
In the beginning I wondered if all the studying, reading, outlining and decisions on areas to cover would be worth it. I am happy to report that I have had successful, paid for workshops since 2004. Not only have the proceeds lined my pocket with spending money…yes, it is not a huge money maker..but the responses from participants have warmed my heart as I see them leaving the class confident and ready to begin their life story and to organize it. They are inspired to write the information down for their families and finally accept that their life is worth living and sharing it with others.
Think about it. Choose your topic that you know you can teach and begin working out a workshop and a way to market it. The results for you will be satisfying and I guarantee you will learn more about your own writing through the exercises.


Roseanne Dowell said...

I taught several writing classes at our community college for the Encore Program (senior citizens) It was fun. Currently, I teach classes for LSS School of Writing.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

the idea has occurred to me a few times. Mostly the nearest class room is too far away. I know, poor excuse. As for school going back. There's a school wide strike on and has been since last spring. The grads weren't able to get the additional help prior to exams. Very sad state of affairs.

J.Q. Rose said...

Roseanne, I'd love to be in on your classes. Do you give all A's? What topics do you teach? I guess I'd better go over to the LSS site. Good for you!

J.Q. Rose said...

Joylene, I read about that strike on a blog or FB post. So sorry for the kids dealing with it all. Setting up a course does take a long time and continually updating it keeps you on your toes. I've considered offering an online course, but so much time to figure it out AND it would tie me down to actually have a schedule!! That sounds like work....!!

Michelle Wallace said...

I've actually submitted a proposal to start up a writing group at the high school where I teach part-time.
Just waiting for a response.
I'm excited about it and have been doing research and started collecting material...

emaginette said...

It's funny that you posted this. I've always thought of myself as a trainer--on the job that is. I'm not sure I know enough to be helpful to other writers, but I'll keep it in mind for the future. Who know where it might lead. :-)

Anna from Shout with Emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Michelle--how exciting! I hope you get the writing group started. The teens we've had join our writers group at the library have such huge imaginations! Amazing. Let me know what happens.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Anna, yes, be open to the idea and I bet you'll see some opportunities. Best wishes!

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