Monday, May 19, 2014

Teleseminars and Webinars--Are They for You? This Week, Giveaway

Webinar Time
Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane /
This past couple of months I have been taking time to listen and watch teleseminars and webinars You've heard of seminars so you are probably familiar with the idea of a group of college students or in our case, writers, getting together to exchange information and discuss a topic. 

A teleseminar is an audio only seminar and a webinar is a video with slides and/or live presenter leading the workshop. The ones I have watched are FREE. Yes, free. I know you are thinking the information is worth just what you pay for it. Think of the FREE seminar as a promotion tool because the last ten or fifteen minutes are devoted to explaining the presenter's book, e-course, program and offering it for a good discount. I don't begrudge them the time to reach the audience with their goods because most of the time I have gleaned a nugget of information that I will try out for myself or been inspired to continue a project. Sometimes I do check further into their books and make a purchase when I feel more in-depth information would benefit my goals for my books.

Looking over my calendar I see I have attended several presentations this month either live or in replay. The replays are fine for me since I can watch them on my own schedule. When watching or listening to the live seminars, you can ask questions and interact with the speaker and guests.

Recently I watched a marketing seminar by Danny Iny, a Scrivener tutorial, information on how to make a tips booklet, and probably more that are not on my calendar. 

I am now attending a thirty day Book Marketing Challenge with D'vorah Lansky.  D'vorah is a book marketing guru with lots of experience in marketing non-fiction books, but this challenge can also be used by fiction writers. 

Taking the Challenge
 If you have not published a book either traditionally or self-pubbed, you will not realize how much time and effort is needed to sell your book. I'm sure you suspect writing your ms is just the beginning--editing, re-writing, submitting, and then the marketing once you have signed the contract (or even before.!) Let me tell you, the "getting the word out" about the book is very important and can become all-consuming.

D'vorah and her guests have opened my eyes to many possibilities for more exposure for my book  She is well-organized and very professional. I'm sure she is reaching a lot of new people who will opt in for her program. And I am sure many of her guests are selling their books and information because of the Book Challenge. Yes, I am checking out all the resources mentioned on the Challenge too.

Have you participated in any seminars online? What was your experience with them? Are you thinking of producing a teleseminar,  webinar, podcast, or appear as a guest or host on blog talk radio? Please share your ideas for your book promotion ideas.

This Week:

Thursday, May 22--We are wrapping up the Seeds of Inspiration Spring Event this week with my turn to share my inspiration for writing and to give away my cozy mystery/sweet romance, Coda to Murder. Please stop in and share your inspirations and leave a comment to enter the drawing for the e-book.

Monday, May 26--Happy Memorial Day in the USA. Burgers, brats, and hot dogs will be on the menu for sure. This weekend is always the official unofficial opening for camping in Michigan. Whatever you do and wherever you are, I hope you have a fantastic holiday weekend!


Unknown said...

I, too, enjoy webinars and other online writing events. The flexibility of being able to watch them at your leisure is great. I also recently led a chat for a group of writers (on revision) and it seemed to go well.

Sounds like you've got a fun long weekend planned. The holiday kind of snuck up on me, but I'm sure we'll be partaking in some traditional Memorial Day type picnic stuff.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I have to try one of these. I've heard about them. I've even been notified. I'm not sure why I hesitate. Time to expand my horizons, eh.

emaginette said...

I've never been. All I've done is participate in blog hops, cover reveals, etc. I have actively stopped by almost every blog I know looking for review policies, taking it as a invitation for a review request.

I'm still pretty new at the published portion of the business. :-)

Anna from Shout with Emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Katie, Ithink I am becoming a webinar addict!! Happy Memorial Day weekend to you too!

J.Q. Rose said...

Yeah, Joylene, break out into the webinar world. You never know what little piece of wisdom you may pick up and use.

J.Q. Rose said...

Emaginette, Webinars cover all kinds of info in the writing and publishing industry. You might even want to check out You Tube to find topics you're interested in to help your writing, submitting and marketing.

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