Yes, I'm pounding the keys on my laptop. I made a vow I would finish my work-in-progress (WIP) by the time we are ready to head back to the North Country. It's getting down to the wire. I have about 8 more chapters to write before I can wrap up the story in my first rough draft. And it is a very rough draft.
A book is never done after one draft. Revising is called for in the next draft, and the next and the next. So instead of finishing, this is just the beginning of this long process of creating a novel for readers, and for me, to enjoy.
I'm having so much fun with this one. The story includes everything I like to write about--mystery, murder, paranormal, and romance. Is that enough genres for ya'??
Who'd think a sweet gal like me would write about murder and paranormal events? Is this my true self running wild? I wonder. The best thing about writing is to let your imagination loose to consider all the possibilities and fantasy bottled up inside you. Have fun with it!
If you are an author, how many times do you revise your work before you submit it for publication? If you haven't submitted your stories for publication, why not? Please, leave a comment after you find out what's up for this week and this month.
This Week:
March 27--Seeds of Inspiration Event--Miss Mae comes to visit and giveaway a book too!

March 23-April 5
Devoted reader and reviewer, Jackie of the Book Maven, is celebrating the second anniversary of her book review blog, The Book Maven. Join in the party.
Below you will see the list of authors and/or bloggers who have donated presents to win. All you have to do is enter the RAFFLECOPTER at the Book Maven usilng this link and BAM! you could be a winner. Here are your possible prizes:
- Georgie Tyler-ecopy of Doctors Beyond Borders
- Linn B Halton-3 copies of Falling, Angels Among Us and a signed paperback of Never Alone.
- Katie O’Sullivan-ecopy of Son of a Mermaid
- Stephanie Keyes-Signed copy of The Star Catcher
- JQ Rose-ecopy of Coda to Murder
- AJ Nuest-Ecopy of entire Golden Key Chronicles
- Theresa Rizzo-Ecopy’s of Just Destiny and He Belongs to Me
- Stacey Jay-Signed Copy of Of Beast and Beauty
- Melissa Snark-Signed copy of Hunger Moon
- Lindsey Loucks-Ecopy of The Grave Winner
- Jerrie Alexander-Ecopy of Hell or High Water and Cold Day in Hell
- Darlene Jones-Ecopy of all 4 of her books
- Bette Lee Crosby- Ecopy of The Twelfth Child
- Gena Showalter-signed book
- Kacey Vanderkarr-paper copy of Antithesis and Reflection Pond.
- Andrea R. Cooper-E copy The Garnet Dagger
- Bella Andre-Autographed copy of The Look of Love
- Panty dropping Book Blog- 2.99 ebook
- Coffee and a Good Book Blog- 2 I books stickers
- Pepper Winters- Ecopy of Destroyed
- Butterflies, Books & Dreams Blog- BBD Bookmark
- Alyson Raynes-$5 Amazon Gift Card and Kindle Copy of Deception
- Kandi Steiner-E copy of Tag Chaser and signed bookmark.
- Forever Me Romance-Ebook up to $5
- Joan Swan-Print copy of Shatter and Ecopies of Intimate Enemies, First Temptation and First Deception.
- Melanie Codina-Ebook of Love Realized
- Lisa Suzanne-How He Really Feels (He Feels, Book 1)
- Halos and Horns Book Blog-$5 amazon gift card and swag pack.
- Clarissa Wild-2 ebook copies of Fierce and Fury.
- Jade C. Jamison-Ebooks got the Life and Quickies
- Ella James-Ebook Trapped
- Marie Wathren – Ebook All This Time
- Jaden Wilkes-Ebooks Dirty Little Freaks and The Beast
- Cassandra Giovanni-E books Flawed Perfection, Love Exactly and Walking in the Shadows
- Jody Kessler- Ecopy of Death Lies Between Us
- Sibelle Stone-1 Ecopy and 1 Print copy of Prudence and the Professor
- Nancy Jardine-Ecopy of Beltane Choice
- LJ Kentowski-1 Ecopy of Guardian of Fate and 1 Ecopy of Seeker of Fate
- Michaela Dubelius-Ecopy of Decoy
- Heather McCullom-Signed copies of Prophecy, Tangled Hearts and Siren Song
- Lyndi Alexander- Ecopy Conviction of the heart by Alana Lorens
- Lisa Renee Jones- Ecopy of If I Were You
- Carlene Love Flores-1 Ecopy of Sidewalk Flower and Sin’s Flower.
- Regina Morris-1 Ecopy of Enduring Service
- Zack Love-1 Ecopy of Sex in the Title
- Janice Horton-1 Signed copy of Bagpipes and Bullshot and 1 Kindle copy of How To Party Online
- This Month
- The Romance Reviews Third Anniversary Party
I revise countless times before submitting a book. :)
Hi Heather, I find I have to re-write troublesome chapters 5, 6, 7 times, not necessarily the entire book that many times. Sometimes chapters just don't work, and I start all over again. sigh..I thought I gave up my tendency for perfection.
I revise, revise, revise as I go so that when I finally finish that first draft, it's very close to the last draft. At least until an editor gets hold of it! :)
Tess, Aha! That's your secret for submitting such excellent work at crit meetings! If I did that, I would never get to the end of the story.
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