Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break, FREE Mystery/Sweet Romance, Coda to Murder

Image courtesy of Chaiwat /
Folks in the North Country may not be seeing tulips yet, but according to the calendar, spring has sprung. Tulips are so hardy. Every year the bulbs stay warm and safe in the ground just waiting for the weather to change to sunshine and blue skies. I think there's a lesson in the tulips for us. Patience? What do you think?

This week I'll be taking a break from the blogging, but I'll be back next Monday with news and events for April.

Pastor Christine Hobbs never imagined 
she would be caring for a flock 
that includes a pig, a kangaroo, 
and a murderer.
Enjoy a FREE read during spring break. Pick up your FREE copy of Coda to Murder, my mystery/sweet romance at my publisher. Through April 4, go to my publisher, MuseItUp Publishing  to get your copy. Add the book to your shopping cart, type in capitals CODA, save, then finalize the order at
MuseItUp Publishing 
FREE through April 4. All formats are available for your reading devices. 
Back of the book:
Pastor Christine Hobbs has been in the pulpit business for over five years. She never imagined herself caring for a flock that includes a pig, a kangaroo, and a murderer. 
Detective Cole Stephens doesn't want the pretty pastor to get away with murdering the church music director. His investigative methods infuriate Christine as much as his deep brown eyes attract her.
Can they find the real killer and build a loving relationship based on trust?

Also available at 
and major online booksellers.

Wishing you a fantastic spring whether your tulips are in a vase or flourishing in your yard.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Ha, tulips! Janet, it snowed here overnight. Man, I am so tired of winter. Wonder if I'm the only one? LOL Not likely. Your tulips are beautiful.

J.Q. Rose said...

Joylene, ha, no tulips here in Michigan yet. We just arrived home after wintering in FL. Quite a shock to see snow banks taller than the car still here. yikes! My DH put the furniture on the deck even if there are piles of snow on it. LOL. Thanks for stopping by, and yes, it will be spring...sometime.

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