Thursday, March 27, 2014

Seeds of Inspiration: Author Miss Mae, Spring Sale--Coda to Murder

Welcome talented mystery and humor author Miss Mae to the Seeds of Inspiration Event!
Miss Mae is all about romantic mysteries.
“Said the Spider to the Fly”, “When the Bough Breaks”, “Dove Island”, “It’s Elementary, My Dear Winifred” and “See No Evil, My Pretty Lady” are award winning best sellers. Her latest, “Catch Me If You Can”, and the novellas “Miss Penelope’s Letters”, and “Through a Glass Darkly” have already received top rated five-star reviews. Tantalizing trailers, and more information, is readily available at Miss Mae's website

Connect Online with Miss Mae:

Her alter ego, M.M. also has her first children’s/humor book, “Ahoy Gum Drop!” In this slightly cracked tale, readers are introduced to I.B. Nosey, the ‘official unofficial’ reporter. To learn more about cyberspace’s only Pukelitzer Award winning interviewer, visit Feeling Nosey?  or watch I.B.Nosey's Video.

Connect Online with I.B. Nosey:

After reading Miss Mae's fun story of what inspired her to become an author, please enter  to win MM's e-book, It's Elementary, My Dear Winfred, by leaving a comment. Drawing ends at 12:01 a.m EST Sunday.

Seeds of Inspiration by Miss Mae

As a young girl growing up in the 1960’s books were my hobby and passion. I loved flipping through the pages of a Nancy Drew, Donna Parker, or Trixie Belden mystery. Ooh, I dreamed of having adventures just like these glamorous heroines! Their exciting stories whisked me away from the boredom and loneliness of being the baby sibling of an older brother and sister (and rarely welcomed inside their ‘mature’ circle of friends).

One night when the teen-agers visited, with their usual array of TV, records, and games enjoyed and exhausted, I heard the question, “What are we going to do now?” I spoke up, “Why don’t we act out a play?” (You’ll note I added ‘we’. Ha!)

There were some grimaces from the boys but interest was piqued enough to ask, “Like what?”

And so, with my limited knowledge of how exactly to go about it, but equipped with boundless imagination, I enthused, “We’ll make something up!”

I, a mere fifth-grader, inspired with eagerness to become a part of the high school ‘crowd’ even for one night, grabbed a pencil and some paper and conceived my first story, Midnight Horror. It was all of ten pages long, and entertained us for maybe half an hour. Before you ask - no, no one was good enough at reading the lines for them to later grow up and become a famous actor. But the thrill of writing that little story ignited a spark within me and set me on fire to pen my own books and to create my own mystery solving heroines.

Hopefully, none of them have been a horror!

Miss Mae
Feb. 2, 2014

 Do bizarre mysteries only occur in imaginary tales? Winifred Merryweather, and dashing newspaper hound Remington Hawthorne, find themselves in the throes of a real life mystery. A dark and ancient castle, complete with disappearing floors, sliding panels, and spider-webbed shadowy corridors threaten to steal Winifred's very breath. Or is that the annoying allure of Remington's flirtatious charms?

BUY LINK for It's Elementary, My Dear Winifred 

Thanks so much, Miss Mae, for participating in the Seeds of Inspiration Event.
Pastor Christine Hobbs never imagined 
she would be caring for a flock 
that includes a pig, a kangaroo, 
and a murderer.

Please note: Readers, Coda to Murder, my mystery e-book, is FREE. Add the book to your shopping cart, type in capitals CODA, save, then finalize the order. 
Go to my publisher to pick up a copy:
FREE March 28 through April 4. All formats are available for your reading device. 


Diane Craver said...

I didn't realize you were also the baby of the family. I had an older brother and 3 older bossy sisters. I read Nancy Drew mysteries and Trixie Belden books. I loved reading how you mentioned acting out a play to your older brother, sister, and their friends. A writer was born! An awesome mystery writer too! I've enjoyed reading your well-written mysteries and they always keep me guessing and in suspense as I turn the pages.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane, I'm the baby of the family too with 2 older brothers. We need to start a club! Thanks for stopping by.

Gail Pallotta said...

How fun to find out how it all started, the seeds to Miss Mae's wonderful books and her fun character I.B. Nosey. I've read Miss Mae's work and couldn't stop turning the pages. Thanks for sharing.

Miss Mae said...

J.Q., thanks so much for having me today. Love your site! :)

And Diane, my friend, thanks for coming over. It's always terrific to have the support of another Nancy Drew fan! :)

Gail Pallotta said...

How fun to learn how it all started for Miss Mae and her wonderful books and quirky character, I.B. Nosey. Her writing kept me turning the pages. Thanks for sharing.

Miss Mae said...

Hi Gail!

It's so good to see you here, thanks for coming over. :) I'm so glad you enjoyed "Said the Spider to the Fly" and that you like Nosey. He scares some people! Gosh, how can he possibly do that? LOLOL

Unknown said...

What a charming story! I'm the oldest of 4, and my youngest sister is 11 years my junior. Instead of shunning her, us older sibs tried to encourage her imagination. We spent countless hours making up characters and acting out scenarios. She's now an elementary teacher with a specialization in literacy.
Oh, and I love Trixie Belden, too!

Darcy Flynn said...

Your teenage years remind me of mine. I'd round up my friends and we'd act out something from my imagination or we'd take a book we all knew or a film and act it out with the way we would rather it had gone. I was the director! :) I also had older brothers, but they were much older and seldom played with me. But, I was spoiled! hehe

Miss Mae said...

Hi Heather,

How awesome that you all encouraged your little sister. That must have been fun. :) And yes, Trixie was more my age at that time, so I really enjoyed her adventures. :)

Miss Mae said...

Hi Darcy,

Isn't it great to have imagination like that when we're young and the energy to pretend/act it out??? Nothing much embarrassed me back then, but now I'd rather run and hide behind a rubber tree plant! LOL Sounds like you and your family got along together so well. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Larry Hammersley said...

HI Miss Mae: It was interesting to read of your beginnings. I'm afraid I was an only child but I was inspired by the TV show, Captain Video, and I joined the Science Fiction Book Club very early on. I have thoroughly enjoyed your novels. As you know I've read three of them. I don't need in the drawing as I've read Winifred and really enjoyed it. I hope you will see your way to crank out another one. Thanks, J.Q. for having this interesting lady on your site.

Diana Montgomery said...

Hi Miss Mae! I enjoyed your blog. You know how I love I.B. I don't think I have read your books yet! Need a reviewer let me know.

Laurean Brooks said...

Miss Mae, you are full of surprises. Thank you for letting us in on some interesting tidbits from your childhood. I would love to see the horror play you wrote, enacted. Did those teenagers keep returning for more acting lessons?

And ten pages? That's a mean feat for a 10-year-old. Those childhood years set in motion the platform for you becoming and awesome and talented suspense writer.

We have no idea where our childhood fantasies and pastimes will take us. That's worthy of reflection.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey Everybody snuck in here while I wasn't looking. So happy to have you here, Miss Mae. I've been on IB Nosey's blog plenty of times. It's about time for you to get a turn to be in the spotlight too.! Welcome!

J.Q. Rose said...

Gail, thanks so much for stopping by. Quirky is a good word to describe IB for sure. What a hoot!

Miss Mae said...

Hi Larry, Diane, and Laurie:

Larry, my daughter is an only child too, and when I relate tales of having siblings, I think she's glad of the one child status! LOL

Diane, you are on! Thanks for the offer! :)

Laurie, I can't even remember much about that silly "play", LOL, except there was something about "Horror" grabbing one of us and taking us to a cave full of bones. LOL I think I watched too much of the late night Saturday Thrillers back then. *wink*

J.Q. Rose said...

Sorry, Heather B, you cannot be in the youngest kids in the family club. I knew you'd be a wonderful big sister.

J.Q. Rose said...

Darcy, I remember acting out stories and putting on "shows" for my grandmother with my older brothers. Fun times. I hope kids still do this instead have their nose in the video games. Thanks for visiting.

J.Q. Rose said...

Larry, I was thrilled when MM said she'd join in on this event. And look at all the glowing reports on her stories...well deserved I might add. I'm sure Captain Video was an inspiration to you too. Sounds like a show that should be on nowadays. Thanks for coming by.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hello Diana, glad you spotted Miss Mae over here and stopped in to say hi.

J.Q. Rose said...

Laureann, I've had a number of the guest authors tell me how much they enjoyed looking back at the seeds planted early in their lives and sprouted into their writing careers.
It's a lesson for all of us to realize how we are all role models for the young (and young at heart) Thanks for visiting today.

Roseanne Dowell said...

Ah, such fun. I remember acting out plays with my sisters (one older, one 4 years younger) and my cousins. Thanks for sharing, Miss Mae. I enjoyed I.B.

Miss Mae said...

I'm glad you enjoyed reading about my little play, Ro. :) And thanks for dropping by; I.B. Nosey enjoys you too. :)

gail roughton branan said...

Now you've done it! I'm gonna hound you till a write a play!

Miss Mae said...

@Gail Roughton Branan:

Ha ha, the only "plays" I write these days are the I.B. Nosey interviews! LOL

Thanks for stopping by. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Roseanne and Gail, Glad to see ya'all. IB is a hoot! And yes, his zany author interviews are like reading a screen play. I can see all the action as if I'm watching a movie. I think MM has a lot of fun dreaming up all those crazy situations he gets into.

J.Q. Rose said...

Congratulations, Diana. You are the winner of Miss Mae's ebook. Thanks so much for visiting.

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