Monday, November 25, 2013

Stores Open on Thanksgiving, This Week

Carved Wooden Turkey Statue--Turkeyville, Michigan (near Marshall)
Photo taken by J.Q. Rose

Gobble, gobble, gobble,--that's what we'll be doing this week...Gobbling up all the good food on Thanksgiving Day! But as my daughter, the health coach says, "Don't gobble till you wobble." LOL

I think you can have some of everything just don't eat everything of everything!

Are you hitting the sales ON Thanksgiving Day? For some reason people are up in arms about the retailers being open on the holiday. Have they forgotten about all the other folks who work for us on T-Day? For years, restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, hospitals, nursing homes, police stations, fire departments, and more have been "manned" for those hours. In a perfect world none of us would work on this special holiday, but then, we do need folks who help us travel and care for the sick no matter if it is a holiday or not. 

If you do need to use the services of these special workers,  won't you say a heartfelt "thank you" to them? It will make their day very special!!

It is thankful people happy
From ideal

* * * *
This Week:

Photo courtesy of Fremont United Methodist Church, Michigan

Thursday, November 28--Thanksgiving Day USA 
Whether you celebrate at home with family and/or friends or go out to the restaurant for your turkey dinner, take a minute to be thankful for all your blessings. As our minister pointed out today, there is a whole industry in the USA trying to make you think you NEED things to make you happy or "to keep up with the Joneses ." Thanksgiving is the day to remind yourself of what you do have, and I bet you'll discover it isn't all the "things" for which you are most thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 29--On the Girls Succeed Blog--Trailblazer: Fearless Flyer, Elinor Smith's Daring Dive Under the Bridges of New York by Carol Simon Levin  


Tess Grant said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Tess. Right back at ya'!

Anonymous said...

Hi, J.Q.! Yes, we need to give a special thanks to all the men and women who on Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

OOPS, forgot the word work in my sentence! Thanks to all the men and women who work on Thanksgiving.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Susanne! Happy T-day to you too!

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