Sunday, November 17, 2013

Holiday Food Drive Blogfest, This Week, E-book Giveaway

Badge created by Jeremy at Being Retro

M.J Joachim's generous, giving spirit has led her to a really creative idea for a blogfest, The Holiday Food Drive Blogfest. The fest is co-hosted by Tina Downey.

The idea behind this blogfest is to give back to the community during this season - to help those less fortunate. Whether the holidays fill you with cheer or dread, helping others is always a good idea.

If you would like to join this blogfest, go to Tina's Life is Good Blog to find out all the information and to sign up on the linky list. 

You can make a difference in your community by blogging about your local food bank and giving a shout out to your readers to bring about awareness of the hungry people in your area. You can post a blog about it anytime during November 18-20.

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Our church has a food pantry. They are providing Thanksgiving meals complete with a turkey for folks in need. The church has been doing this for several years, so it is very organized. The parishioners are given a simple brown grocery bag with a shopping list stapled to it. We fill the bag with those items such as canned veggies, canned yams, instant mashed potatoes, boxed stuffing, etc. and then return it to church where the bag containing the entire meal will be distributed to those who need help in providing a Thanksgiving dinner for their family this year.

The holiday season is one of giving and many donations are received at this special time of year, however, people need to bring donations to food pantries all year round. Summer is especially difficult for families with children because the kids are eating lunch at home instead of school. You know how kids love snacks and can eat all day when they're home, so parents need help in providing healthy snacks too.

Tina suggested donating food AND your time to help out at the food pantry if you're able. Yes, we can all make a difference during this season of giving and all year long. Thank you!

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This Week

Please keep the people of the Philippines in your thoughts and prayers this week. If you can make a donation to help with the clean-up, food and water, and  re-building the lives of these folks, please do so.  UMCOR  is an agency of the United Methodist Church and 100% of your money will go directly to disaster relief for the people devastated by the typhoon. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Last week I participated in the Blog Tour and answered four questions about my writiing process. This week I invited three writers to answer those questions. Please visit their blogs and discover how their writing process works. Entertaining reading for all.

Look for these authors to answer the four questions this week on their blogs.
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Author Jane Lebak will be featuring her hobby, knitting, on the final edition of Hobby Hoedown for this year. Jane is generously providing a give away of her e-book, The Boys Upstairs, the perfect read for the upcoming Christmas season. 
Three homeless children. 
Two estranged brothers. 
One last chance.
So ya'all come back now on Thursday because knitting is much more than a hobby for Jane.

See ya' there!


Anonymous said...

It's so true. People need food all year long. Thank you for such a thoughtful post!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi JQ .. that's great about your Thanksgiving dinners - both at the centre and then giving those bags for each family to be able to share at home ..

Celebratory times must be so difficult for those in need - and I hope we can all do a little more all year round ...

Cheers Hilary

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, M.J. for hosting this blog. Feeding people is a cause close to my heart.

Hi Hilary, thank you for stopping in. It is heartwarming to be able to help families actually celebrate the holidays with a delicious meal.

Tina said...

Your church sounds very organized! Thanks so much for joining us. Very nice contribution and great ideas for helping others. I like your positive attitude! Nice to meet you, too :-)
Tina @ Life is Good

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Tina, nice to meet you. Thanks for co hosting this thoughtful idea for a blog. I just saw Katie's show this pm and a man met the Katie challenge of bringing in a million meals for the oldest food bank in the US and the world, St. Mary's in Phoenix, AZ. I thought how timely for this food drive blog. BTW he accomplished getting the million meals!!

Kittie Howard said...

You belong to such a wonderful church, J. Q. It's nice knowing so much good is done -- and in such an organized fashion by so many pulling together. I was delighted to read your mention of Spam. It's a fab donation that brings smiles!

It's also very nice to meet you!

Isis Rushdan said...

As I prepared my post for the blogfest, I discovered that summer is a critical time of shortages for food banks and pantries. This is such an important cause.

Anonymous said...

Hi, J.Q! Your church is doing a great thing. : )

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Isis, I guess people are in the spirit of giving during the holidays, but in the spirit of summer break in summer! Glad we could make folks aware of the year round need for food. Thanks for stopping in.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susanne, You know shopping for all the food for the Thanksgiving dinner was fun since I'm not preparing one at home for us. Picturing a family opening the bag made me smile. Glad you stopped by.

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