Monday, October 14, 2013

Celebrating Farmers Day, Traveling, This Week, Hobby Hoedown Authors

Happy Monday, Dear Readers. 

National Farmers Day, formally known as Old Farmers Day, honors the hard labor of farmers throughout American history.  Last Monday on this blog, I shared a video of our community's  Harvest Festival celebrating the harvest and recognizing farmers who bring the fruits of their labor to our kitchen tables.  During the Harvest Festival, organizations and individuals build amazing structures made from hay called Hay Art. The public votes for their favorite display by donating food. I am happy to report the total amount of food given to local food banks by the entire community was over 8000 pounds!!

I'll be traveling this week and will not have Internet access. 

No Hobby Hoedown guest is scheduled this Thursday since I didn't think it would be good manners to have a guest author, then leave them here all alone. 

Take a look at the Thursday line-up for this fall. 
You're invited to return for some root-tootin' fun!

Thanks for visiting today. Have a great week!
# # # #

Thursdays in October and November on the J. Q. Rose Blog.

24 Blogfest
7 Heather Greenis curling
14 Margaret Mendel photography
21 Jane Lebak knitting

All Month:

Breast Cancer Awareness month

Lavender Dreams
Ten short stories in this anthology to entertain you. More importantly, the authors and cover artist have generously donated these stories and their royalties to help raise funds for cancer research each year.
MuseItUp Publishing Authors: Barbara Ehrentreu, Gloria Oren, Lisa J. Lickel, Nan D Arnold, Nathaniel Tower, Rosemary Gemmell, Suzannah Safi, Tanja Cilia, Vicki Batman
Christmas in October continues at Penny Estelle's blog. Win 50 prizes!

Christmas in October

Every Monday and Thursday during October,
six different authors will be spotlighting their books. 

Some lucky commenter is going to win over 50 different prizes. 

It could be you!  All you need to do is comment.
 The more you comment, the more chances you have of winning
all of these fabulous prizes!

So mark your calendars for Thursday, October 3,
and be sure to visit

Ho!  Ho!  Ho!


Anonymous said...

Hi, J Q! 8000 pounds of food donated to the food banks is AWESOME!!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

That's so kewl!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Ladies, thanks for stopping into the blog. We arrived safely to FL. Just got on the internet last night. Ready for a warm winter here escaping the snow of Michigan. I appreciate your support!

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