Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Vegetable Garden, Week Ahead, Hobby Hoedown with Stan Hampton

Our vegetable garden is growing by leaps and bounds in this beautiful weather we are having in West Michigan.Take a peek at this lovely lettuce. We have Romaine, Red Derby, Buttercrunch Bibb, and several bronze leafed Romaine varieties. Throw it all in a bowl and the colors pop.No boring green iceberg lettuce here. Needless to say the taste is fantastic. 
Gardening tip--place straw around the plants to keep the lettuce clean.

Strawberries are blooming. When we left last Tuesday for a week of camping with the grandkids, we just had these del;icate white blossoms. Returned this morning and discovered gorgeous red berries ripe for the picking tomorrow. Can you see the strawberry shortcake now? Mmmm...can't wait.

We've had onions, radishes, and rhubarb this spring also. We are so spoiled. I cannot take credit for any of the garden. My DH is a devoted, dedicated gardener. His dream was to garden twelve months out of the year. He has finally accomplished it during retirement. He has a huge garden in the summer up north and a small raised bed garden in the winter in Florida. Fresh lettuce almost year round!! (I hope you don't notice my nose twitching like a bunny rabbit after eating all these delicious greens.)

I am planning on making my own salad dressings this summer. Do you have a dressing recipe you could share with me (and all the readers?) Please leave it in the comment section or email me directly with it at jqrose02 at gmail dot com. Thank you!!


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks great. Enjoy your salads.

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