Sunday, June 2, 2013

This Week's Events

Welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog! 
Glad you're here. I want to share this event packed week with you. 
I hope you'll join in on the fun!

Come and visit at the Writer's Chatroom tonight from 7-9 pm EDST. I am the guest author at the chat moderated by Audrey Shaffer. Please join us for a great discussion, giveaway, and fun!
Click on Enter Chatroom, fill in your name and hit sign in. No registration or password necessary.

I began lurking at the Writers Chatroom many years ago when Audrey Shaffer was known as the Google Queen. I enjoyed the camaraderie and writing tips imparted by Audrey and the gang at TWC. If you are beginning your journey in writing or have several published pieces under your belt, you will enjoy the Sunday night Author Guest Chats and the Wednesday less formal chats from 8-10 pm.

Paranormal auithor Sarah Jane Lehoux rolls in on her Sevy Series blog tour. Come back and see why she believes "it’s a writer’s duty to educate themselves in human psychology." Also leave a comment for a big prize giveaway.

Author Helena Fairfax is our author hobbyist for the Hobby Hoedown event. She has knitted some adorable figures. Please leave a comment to win her new romance, The Silk Romance.

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