Monday, May 20, 2013

This Week-Hobby Hoedown and Giveaways Start Thursday

Welcome Readers,

Once again the country has been ravaged by tornadoes leaving death and destruction along the way. My heart goes out to those who are dealing with the loss of loved ones and the reality of the clean-up. I pray for your strength and determination to carry you through.

Spring can be such a gorgeous time of year with so much beauty and sunshine, but the downpours and storms are inevitable.

Today I'm a guest at my publisher's blog, MuseItUp Publishing,  and being very honest about my challenge as a writer. I hope you have time to pop over to visit.

On Tuesday, I will be a guest at the Helena Fairfax blog. Wow, did she ever ask questions that made me think deep for the answer.

On Thursday my crit partner's newest book, Climbing Heartbreak Hill, will be released. She'll be my guest for the Hobby Hoedown that day, Launch Day! What's Hobby Hoedown?? Check it out below. 

On Friday children's authorTara Chevrestt will be my guest at the Girls Succeed Blog. I enjoyed her book so much I invited her to tell my readers all about her historical fiction, Ride for Rights.

To get you in the mood for the Hobby Hoedown, click on the music of Aaron Copland's Hoedown.

YouTube video: Hoedown by American composer, Aaron Copland

Alright, all you guys and gals, you're invited to a hoedown 
every Thursday this summer right here at the J.Q. Rose blog. 

A hoedown is a community dance party which usually features folk and square dances, but our hoedown is featuring authors and their  hobbies and books. You'll definitely see another side of your favorite author and learn about authors new to you.

I hope you'll join us for a great line-up 
of hobbies and stories this summer! 
Check out the right page margin for these creative writers 
and come back for the fun and giveaways!
Ya'all come back now, ya' hear?

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