Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Camping with Our Grandsons

Working weather vane in downtown Montague, MI
This past weekend we camped at Trailways Campground in downtown Montague, MI. Yes, the campground is owned by the city. Quaint area with twin cities Montague and Whitehall located on White Lake which empties into Lake Michigan. The campground is right next to the Hart-Montague Bike Trail. Busy place in the summer and so beautiful.

Whitehall is the home of Whitehall Products which manufactures weather vanes. This one used to sit out on an island in White Lake, but was moved to this area to protect the island. Magnificent.

Fishin' off the fishing bridge..Covell Park
Yes, the guys did a LOT of fishin'--mostly feeding them though.

White Lake shore
We journeyed over to Lake Michigan, but the water is so cold. Even in August the big lake is cool. It had to be cold for the boys NOT to get in. So here they are at White Lake. Beautiful there, but water is not warm. We found warmer water at Duck Lake State Park and a great shallow spot for hunting minnows!

Historic light house on White Lake
West Michigan has gorgeous beaches on Lake Michigan. The lake is so huge it seems it is an ocean. People who live on the coastlines of the oceans cannot get used to getting in the water and not tasting salt!

Earl was our constant companion
This beautiful brown pigeon, dubbed Earl by the boys, decided to be our mascot. He was so tame we think he was a lost carrier pigeon. One morning my DH was outside with the laptop open and Earl landed on the upturned screen and peeked over the top to see what was up.

The weather was perfect for camping. Time for campfires, turtle huntin', fishin', bikin', and water play. What more could you want??


Roseanne Dowell said...

Beautiful pictures. Sounds like you all had a great time. Nothing better than spending time with the grandkids.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful memories you made with your grand kids.

J.Q. Rose said...

Roseanne, so true. I hope they remember the good times and not when I had to yell at them to pick up all their stuff...LOL..

J.Q. Rose said...

Right Susanne and wonderful memories for us too. Thanks for stopping in.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

We've had more rain this spring than I can ever remember. I'm freezing. And I have wood burning in the fireplace. Cozy warm, yes, but it's spring!

Thanks for sharing these photos, Janet. Looks like fun was had by all. Good!

Conda Douglas said...

This sounds so fun! And so summer too. Also, just wanted to thank you for the adorable pink flamingo that I won on your giveaway! Thanks!

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