Friday, May 4, 2012

Banana Bread Baking and Synopsis Simmering

banana by keepon

What a great Friday morning! Banana bread bakin' and synopsis simmerin'. 

The smell of the baking bread wafts through the house making my mouth water for the first bite. I hope I don't forget to check it while I am writing this post! Been there, done that...You too?

I am working on a synopsis, a summary, of my new mystery/romance. If you are a writer, you can understand how I am tearing my hair out trying to encapsulate an entire novel in one page. Yes, I am aware there are writers whose synopses are three to seven pages, but if I were an editor, I believe I would prefer a short version, wouldn't you? 

I want the synopsis to reflect the same, fun voice as the book to capture the attention of the publisher who will then be intrigued enough to read the manuscript.

These days are so different from the good ole days when an author had to print out a cover letter, synopsis, and  manuscript, then bundle it all up and mail the package to the publisher. Now most publishers just want a digital file, so there is no print cost or mailing fee. Easy for them and easy for authors to submit.

However the digital age doesn't make it any easier to craft a story! The words still have to flow on the page and the plot has to make sense with a good beginning hook, no muddled middle, and an ending that satisfies the reader. 

While mixing up the bread, ideas for the synopsis swirled in my head, so it was simmering in my brain as I stirred, smashed, and chopped the ingredients. I hope the recipe for the synopsis will come together to make a delicious read for an editor. 

Now the timer is dinging. I must get my handiwork out of the oven and my simmering synopsis off the back burner..


Anonymous said...

Hi J Q! The banana bread sounds yummy. Hope the synopsis came together for you.

J.Q. Rose said...

I am chomping down the banana bread now an dit is definitely yummy. Wish you were here to have a bite on this gloomy morning in Michigan. The synopsis is about done...or shall I say I'm done in?

Tess Grant said...

I've seen that banana-bread-fueled synopsis and it's a winner! Maybe I should try some of that bread...

Conda Douglas said...

Whenever I bake, and I love to bake, I get into the whole flow of it and my, how the writing ideas flood into my mind. Does make it hard to write them down with floury, sticky hands, though.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yep, Conda, been there, done that. Make brownies and no sticky hands!!!

Unknown said...

I agree it's not any easier to craft a story. Re-write, re-write, re-write. I'm gonna need lots of banana bread.

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