Monday, April 9, 2012

Travel With Me Along the Interstate Through Tennessee and Kentucky

I took a "blogcation" this week because my husband and I traveled from Florida back to our home in Michigan. We are snowbirds and enjoy the sunny winters in Florida and the fun summers in Michigan. I combined a few slides from our journey for your viewing pleasure.

I love experiencing the gorgeous coming of spring in every area we drive through--Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, to the Midwest states where spring has just begun and finally into Michigan where usually the season is just waking up. But not this year. As the rest of the country has experienced early springs, so has Michigan with spring blossoms turning on their bright colors and the countryside carpeted in refreshing green grass.

I am sharing some of the sights I saw as we traveled through Tennessee and Kentucky in this little movie I made using Picasa.

 Happy Springtime wherever you are!!


Anonymous said...

Hi J Q! WELCOME back to Michigan. I enjoyed the traveling video. Have a wonderful day!


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Nice pics, Janet. The scenes remind me of central BC. Lovely places. I envy you. We go on vacation every few years to Jamaica or Mexico, but nothing permanent. I should probably confess that I do love the snow. I just hate driving in it. Glad you safe and sound and back at home.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Susanne. Did you make it snow just to welcome us back home???

Anonymous said...

LOL. It wasn't me. I'm not a snow person.
: )

Pat McDermott said...

Lovely, lovely! But do keep the snow in Michigan. Glad you had a safe trip!

J.Q. Rose said...

I am happy to report and bright, sunny day here. No more snow! Hooray. But that's just for today. Who knows what it will be tomorrow? Still glad to be back home, snow or sunshine.

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