Thursday, March 8, 2012

Review for The Good Neighbors

I think Rochelle enjoyed my short story, The Good Neighbors.  She asks, "isn't a good hearty laugh in the middle of Wendy's a great recommendation for a book?" I'd say so. Thanks, Rochelle. Glad The Good Neighbors made you smile and laugh out loud!

Jim and Gloria Hart first appeared in my mystery novella, Sunshine Boulevard.

Here's Rochelle's delightful review:

Jim and Gloria Hart, snowbirds from Michigan, always help out the neighbors in their Florida retirement community when asked. Who knew being good could turn out to be so bad?

I wish I could be a snowbird and have Jim and Gloria Hart for neighbors.  They’re so helpful and they sound like fun people to have around even if you don’t play golf.  Between solving the mystery of last year’s deaths at their Florida winter retirement community, helping a neighbor who fell in her bathtub and plant-sitting for a neighbors who surprised his wife with a Christmas cruise, they’re all round good people.  Besides, who ever got into trouble just plant sitting?

I disturbed the peace at Wendy’s because I was laughing so hard reading this while I had lunch.  It’s another great waiting room read—the kind of short-story you can devour along with a quick burger or while waiting to see the doctor.  But try not to laugh too loudly unless you want to tell people what you’re reading.  On second thought, go ahead.  Laugh out loud.  Don’t be afraid to let people know how much you’re enjoying Ms. Rose’s writing.  Isn’t a good hearty laugh in the middle of Wendy’s a great recommendation for a book?  Just try not to choke on your food or snort pop through your nose.

Price:  $0.99

All royalties from the sale of The Good Neighbors go to local food pantries.

Rochelle Weber is the author of Rock Crazy, a futuristic, sci-fi romance.
Abandoned, pregnant and bi-polar, Katie McGowan's going crazy on that God-forsaken rock, the Moon.  


Anonymous said...

I have The Good Neighbors. I just haven't had a chance to read it yet. This review is one more reason to make sure I read it soon.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Congratulations on a great review, Janet. It's wonderful and well deserved. I'm happy for you.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, Susanne, get to reading!! Thanks, Joylene. I appreciate the compliment.

Rochelle Weber Author said...

By all means, read this story. It'll only take a few minutes. Just don't have food in your mouth at the end.

Thanks so much for the plug for Rock Crazy, Janet.

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