Friday, November 18, 2011

Recipe: Edinburgh Fog Pudding from Jane Richardson

Edinburgh Fog is the name of Jane Richardson's new release AND a delicious pudding recipe she is sharing today. We can add this tasty delight to our international recipes. Jane said it is one she has "cobbled together" from a number of other recipes. That's what makes cooking fun...experimenting with your own interpretation of a recipe. I hope you readers have fun with the recipe and with the excerpt from Jane's contemporary romance story, Edinburgh Fog.

The Recipe: Edinburgh Fog

To serve 4:

1/2 pint double (heavy) cream
1 tablespoon fine sugar
few drops vanilla extract OR 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
about 20 ratafia biscuits (or small macaroons or Italian amaretti biscuits if you can't get ratafias)
1/2 cup chopped, toasted almonds
Scotch whisky or Drambuie whisky liqueur
Fresh raspberries or other soft fruit to serve.

Whip the cream into soft peaks, and stir in the sugar and vanilla. Keeping 1 or 2 biscuits per serving whole, crumble the remainder and gently fold into the cream along with the almonds. Add whisky or Drambuie to taste. (You can use almond extract if you don't want a boozy version of the dish!) Serve in individual dishes topped with the whole ratafias and a handful of fresh raspberries. Slainte!

Blurb: When Greg Morton returned to Edinburgh, it was to follow his dream of opening the smartest bar-bistro in town. Now Tellers’ is a huge success—but the truth is, deep inside, it means little without the love of his life.

Four years ago, he left Julia Brady behind in London to realize his business ambitions in his Scottish home town. By the time he’d recognized his mistake and admitted to himself he wanted her back, the grapevine told him Julia had moved on—and Greg had to face the fact that he’d been a fool.

When Julia appears out of the blue in Tellers’, he knows the only thing he should do is walk right up to her and say hello. But it looks like someone else has their sights set on her, and he’s a quick worker. Is Julia about to disappear from Greg's life a second time - this time, for good?

The staff heaved a collective sigh and set to preparing the place for the Friday evening crowd. Nothing eventful happened except Chrissie tripping over Ben as he knelt behind the bar to re-stack the mixers shelf and tipping half a bottle of vermouth and a bowl of stuffed olives down the back of his neck. Ben took it in good part, commenting that while he smelled like a martini, he was only stirred and not at all shaken. Leaving them to clean up as he sliced lemons and limes for the bar, Greg mused on whether the olive-incident counted as Thing Number Three, and was on the point of convincing himself that definitely, absolutely nothing else could possibly go wrong for the rest of the day, when she walked in.
            Greg froze, hypnotized by the reflection shimmering in the long mirror behind the bar. It disappeared briefly, moving out of his line of vision and he stepped sideways, following the mirror along the wall, seeking her out if only to convince himself that it couldn’t possibly be her—that Julia hadn’t just walked back into his life four years after he’d walked out of hers.

Kindle US 

You can find Jane at her blog, Home is Where the Heart Is.


Jane Richardson said...

This is such a fun idea - and as I love food as much as I love words, I'll send a PDF of Good Eats, Great Reads to one lucky commentator.

Hope everyone enjoys the recipes, and as JQ says in the introduction to the collection, please do what you can to help those who might otherwise go hungry during the holiday season.

Jane x

Roseanne Dowell said...

Yummy recipe and sounds like a good book.

Rose Anderson said...

Jane, I can taste that just by reading it! I do believe there'll be a fog rolling in for the holidays. Thanks for sharing. :)
~Rose Anderson

Pat McDermott said...

What a wonderfully decadent dessert! I love the title and how you chose it for your story. Enjoyed the excerpt too. Great set up - and lots less calories :-)

Unknown said...

Yummy Jane and your book sounds heart wrenching. Congrats and what a wonderful prize giveaway.

Love you guys.

Jenny Twist said...

Now look here, young Richardson, I have quite enough trouble with my waistline as it is. Please send me the book immediately

Jane Richardson said...

Hi Roseanne! Yes, it is a yummy recipe, but for special occasions only - all that sugar and cream!

Great to see you. :)

Jane x

Jane Richardson said...

Rose, you're going to love that 'fog.' Especially if you're a bit generous with the whisky bottle. ;-)
Smashing to see you, as always!

Jane x

Jane Richardson said...

Hi Pat! Yes, lots less calories in storybooks, but I understand it's a rule that one has to ingest extra calories to get through the holiday season. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;-)
Good to see you!

Jane x

Jane Richardson said...

Hi Karen - all kudos to our pal for coming up with the whole idea for the book! Food and writers, what a combination - she's a star.

Good to see you. :)

Jane x

Jane Richardson said...

LOLOL Jenny - what with all those recipes PLUS meeting up for dwinkies in Italy, we don't stand a chance! Goodbye, waistlines!

Great to see you. :)

Jane x

Viviane Brentanos said...

Yum yum. Your pudding - and your book sounds wonderful. I am a huge fan of Scottish fayre, having spent my childhood in Glasgow. I am planning a visit there in January. I can't wait to sample clootie dumpling, mutton pies, bridies and tottie scones again. Great post.


Heather Haven said...

I must try this! It sounds easy and wonderful!

Jane Richardson said...

Hi Viv - you're bringing back so many memories for me! Hope you have a great visit in January.
Good to see you. :)

Jane x

Jane Richardson said...

Hey Heather - easy and wonderful is good! Lovely to see another of the Good Eats, Great Reads authors - thanks for coming over!

Jane x

Jane Richardson said...

The winner of the Good Eats, Great Reads pdf is Rose Anderson! It'll be in your mailbox very soon, Rose - congrats!

Thanks to everyone who came over. Happy reading and eating to you all,

Jane x

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