Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Recipe: Carrot Casserole from J Q Rose

Welcome to Good Eats, Great Reads. This month of November is devoted to giving you delicious recipes and great stories. There are prizes in store all month. Today, please leave a comment to be eligible to win a copy of my mystery, Sunshine Boulevard.

The recipe I am sharing today is one I received from the ladies of my hometown church in Central Illinois. I have prepared it for big dinner occasions for years. It is one of my daughters’ favorites and they now prepare this carrot casserole for their families. Even people who do not like carrots, love this recipe. (How can you not when one of the ingredients is Velveeta cheese? Oh so sinfully good…and from the church ladies too!!) I hope you enjoy this tasty, oh-so-easy dish.


2 lbs carrots, sliced (into "wheels" shape, we call them)
1/3 c. brown sugar
1 stick butter/margarine
¼ lb. Velveeta cheese (I use more than this)
12 Ritz crackers

Boil carrots 10 minutes.  Drain and put in baking dish.  Sprinkle with brown sugar.  Melt butter and cheese together and pour over carrots.  Top with cracker crumbs and bake ½ hour at 350 degrees.

Of course with the recipes, you will also get a glimpse of a book to read while you're waiting for the food to cook. Today I include my mystery novella, Sunshine Boulevard, a quick, fun read. 

Here’s the trailer for my mystery/suspense novella, Sunshine Boulevard, available at Muse It Up Publishing, and major online booksellers.

Thanks for stopping in today. Come back on Friday when author Jim Hartley shares his Egg-cellent recipes and short story, Ten Years.


Unknown said...

Yummy! I can see right now this blog is going to be dangerous!

Love ya JQ.

Roseanne Dowell said...

I love carrots and this sounds absolutely delicious. Thanks for sharing. Oh, by the way, I already have a copy of Sunshine Blvd, and loved it, so you don't have to put my name in the contest.

J.Q. Rose said...

I am so excited to have so many great authors and books to share with you this month. I can't wait to get reports back on how the recipes work out for you. I hope some will become a regular on your dinner table. Definitely good eats here this month, Karen and Roseanne. Thanks for stopping in!

Pat Dale said...

Yummm! Carrot casserole, I can't wait to try this one. Happy feasting season, all!

Pat McDermott said...

This is such a great idea. I'm always looking for new recipes, and getting a peek at new books in the process is an added treat!

gail roughton branan said...

Oh, Janet! That sounds like a classic! Can't wait to try it.

Cellophane Queen said...

Interesting change-up with the ritz crackers and velveeta. I haven't had any velveeta in YEARS, so maybe it's time to buy a block. There's not a single thing in this recipe I don't already like. Just putting them together in a new way.

I also already have Sunshine Blvd, so you can leave me out of the draw too.

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