Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcome to Florida

What a wonderful welcoming sign to the Sunshine State...NOT! This is the first thing I saw when I jumped out of our truck at a rest area south of Gainesville, FL. It kind of makes one want to jump back in the vehicle and turn north. Let me think about a choice between SNAKES or SNOW...Hmmm...would you believe we chose the snakes?? Yes, we are snowbirds flying toward sunshine and away from the snow....

We are now settled in and looking forward to a fun Florida winter with sunshine, games, and friends.  Poisonous snakes are not in our future, I hope!


Cellophane Queen said...

That's one thing my son LOVES about Florida--lots of snakes. We've always had snakes until the boys left home. A few lizards too.


J.Q. Rose said...

Boys! Yes, indeed. My grandsons love catching snakes, salamanders, toads, and frogs. It keeps them very busy when we camp in the summer time.

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