Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Writing Friends and Family

Muse It Up Publishing
I just read a fantastic post on Gail Branan's blog, Flowers on the Fence.  She begins one  post with

Flowers on the Fence Country is big. It expands to include anyplace wherein resides one of my special flowers. It encompasses Malta, New Jersey, California, New Zealand, Canada, Scotland, England.

This talented writer is telling us how her world has expanded by meeting so many writers through her journey of writing and publishing.

This is exactly how I feel. My world is so much bigger after I turned to writing full time. I have met people from all over the world on writer's blogs, forums and chats. What marvelous technology brings these folks together. Amazing close relationships, sharing and caring occur between strangers who have never physically met, and yet their hearts join across the miles. Without even hearing them speak...only through their words online, they become important to us.

The clever, caring, intelligent authors and staff at Muse It Up Publishing are members of a very special sorority/fraternity who are helpful and generous. I am amazed at each of their talents, not only with the gift of painting word pictures and meaningful thoughts, but with their sense of humor and unselfish support of each other. I am proud to be associated with them and thrilled to call them my friends. 

The Writers Chatroom

Every Wednesday and Sunday evening I have the opportunity to connect with writers at the Writers Chatroom. Audrey Shaffer is dedicated to offering this platform for writers to learn about the publishing, marketing, ins and outs of this complicated industry. (Watch out though, she gets out the whip to keep this rowdy bunch in line.) We laugh and commiserate through fast-paced remarks and thoughtful comments. The page rolls fast when we are on a Wednesday night topic 8 pm- 10 pm Eastern. Audrey showcases a published author every Sunday evening 7 pm-9 pm Eastern. Joining in here is like being part of a family...yeah, including those bratty big brothers and wild and crazy sisters. You're invited to join in on the fun and learn a LOT about the writing business.

My life has been enriched by the folks I have met through these opportunities. What a delight to be a writer!


Anne E. Johnson said...

Here, here! I agree one hundred percent, and feel very privileged to be in the Muse family.

Jenna Storm said...

Very sweet. I feel blessed and grateful to be part of Muse too.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for commenting. Privileged, blessed, and grateful... great words for describing your feelings for being part of the Muse.

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