Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Votes are IN!

The voters were 3 to 1 in favor of reading stand alone books versus reading a book in a series. I promised to vote after the results were in...I am still torn, but I must vote for a stand alone book too. I like to have all the ends wrapped up and then start a new kind of book. Seriously the only exception would be the Mitford series. I love, love, love Jan Karon's style of story telling and fell in love with all of her characters in that small town of Mitford.

Thank you for taking the time to comment and vote on the poll. It was fun to see how it turned out.

Hmmmm...maybe I should have a poll on whether people like to vote in polls or if they just irritate readers....??

Now go have a cup of coffee/tea and read a great book. Any suggestions?


Cellophane Queen said...

Do I get to say now that my series of MG fantasies starting in October are all standalone books? (Bad Spelling, Midnight Oil, Scotch Broom). Best read 1, 2, 3, but I think they can be picked up in any order. I don't leave open questions at the end of each book, but they all pick up from the previous one.

Really! I promise!

Cellophane Queen said...

Oh, book suggestion! Waving hand in the air. How about "Missing, Assumed Dead," a murder mystery set in the eastern Oregon high desert.

Copies can be made available to potential reviewers. ;-)

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