Monday, August 22, 2011

Prized Comment from Reader, Reviewer, Author Kate Dolan

Last week I was a guest on Cheryl Malandrinos Books, Products, and More. Guesting on other blogs is a wonderful opportunity to meet more readers and authors and network with people who love to read. Cheryl put up the synopsis and excerpt from Sunshine Boulevard. I happily received many wonderful comments on this post. One commenter was author Kate Dolan. She wrote--

"Cool story idea and I love the cover! This is one of the rare stories where I can believe amateurs actually get involved in an investigation. Great set up!" Kate Dolan

You can bet that comment made my day! 

Sunshine Boulevard is a mystery, but the main character is not a private investigator or detective or police officer. Nope, not even a forensic specialist. He is Jim Hart, a snowbird who lives in Florida in the winter and volunteers as a First Responder in his retirement community. He is truly an amateur who works with the police and the medical examiner to discover who or what is killing the seniors in his community.

To read more reviews of Sunshine Boulevard, go to the J Q Rose author site.

And yes, every time I receive a nice comment from a reader, I have a lift in my step all day. It makes me want to write and share another story with my readers so they can be entertained and escape from reality for awhile. Thanks for reading.

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