Friday, July 22, 2011

Win This Beach Read from Author Debra Shiveley Welch, Cedar Woman

A big welcome today to Debra Shiveley Welch, award-winning author of a perfect-for-the-beach read, Cedar Woman available in print or e-book.

Thank you for being my guest today, Debra, and for generously offering the e-book copy of Cedar Woman to one of our lucky commenters. Readers, please leave a comment to be eligible to win this prize. Don't forget to leave your contact email addy.

Before we learn more about your book, please tell us how you spend your summers?

When summer arrives, my son and I like to go to powwows.  For us, it is a family reunion.  My sister, Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Martineau, often coordinates the events, and it's fun to meet up with her, her husband, son and our sisters, to enjoy great dancing, fantastic food and just an all out fun time.
My son, Chris, received his first regalia this summer.  Your regalia is decided by the type of dancing you wish to honor.  In my son's case, it is Men's Traditional.  So he wears a ribbon shirt, rawhide trousers, or chaps, and a "bustle" made of feathers.  His regalia is quite beautiful, and he is very proud of it.
The powwows take us to Iowa and Illinois, but we hope to begin attending events in Ohio and other states.

This sounds like an exciting interesting summer with lots of travel, fun, and family get-togethers. Now tell us about your story of romance.

Lena Cedar Woman Young Bear, a daughter of the Lakota Sioux, opens the first high-end Native American restaurant in Central Ohio. 
This is her story. 
Born in May Hill, Ohio, Lena Cedar Woman travels to Columbus at age 12 after tragedy befalls her family. Here, in the capital city, a chance encounter leads her to her destiny. 
Walk with her as she changes the lives and fortunes of those she loves.
Follow her to powwow where she meets her half-side.
Rejoice with her at the grand opening of her restaurant. 
Cedar Woman allows the reader to learn the ways, and some of the language of The People, while also offering romance and discovery.

    Slowly, slowly, Mary walked to where a tight knot of people were grouped together in what would be the living room, but, in fact, was merely part of one room which served as kitchen, dining room and parlor.          
    She felt as if in a dream – as if she were walking in slow motion, or wading through deep water.  Her heart was pounding against her rib cage as she slowly advanced toward a single man standing apart from the others, a wild flower tucked in the button-hole of his plaid shirt, his pony tail neat and freshly groomed, and a sage wreath, identical to hers, adorning his head as well.          
    She did not hear the words spoken, or her own replies.  The Medicine Man/Justice of the Peace performing the ceremony, raised the Pipe and murmured some words.  Peter turned and tied an eagle plume to Mary’s hair, and still avoiding his eyes, Mary tied one to his.  The medicine man picked up a star quilt, and wrapped it about the couple.  Slowly, the newly weds turned to face their guests, and the reality of what had just occurred hit Mary with full force.  She had obeyed her mother and married.  Now was the time, now she must look into the face of her husband.          
    Hesitantly, oh so hesitantly, she turned toward him, and at last gazed into his eyes.

Where do we learn more about you and where to purchase your book?

The Debra Shiveley Welch Website is the link where all of my books can be purchased through multiple sources: Amazon, B&N, Nook, Kindle and there are links to the UK, France Amazon and link to a cyber store in India  on there.

Readers, leave a comment to be eligible for the drawing to win Cedar Woman, the story of a Native American woman and her family.


J.Q. Rose said...

Hello everyone, Welcome to Debra's interview. I think you will enjoy this modern story of the Native Americans. I loved being immersed in the Native culture and language. Beautiful descriptions and language in Cedar Woman. I wish the world in general would have the same stewardship for our earth and realize how related we all are.

Cellophane Queen said...

I've had Native American characters in more than one of my own books. The cultures are so interesting and diverse. I'd like a chance to read this one. Any recipes? I did go to dinner at a Canadian lodge-style restaurant in Vancouver. Sorry to say, I don't recall the tribe. Food was terrific.


Unknown said...

Marva, at the end of the book are recipes of authentic NdN foods such as fry bread, berry pudding and rez coffee. Also included is my own recipe, Cedar Woman's Aztec Chocolate Cheesecake and some upscale NdN inspired dishes created by a master chef.

It may also interest you to know that my sister, a rez born Lakota, acted as a consultant on the book to guarantee authenticity of the words, culture and beliefs which I have represented in my book.

A big thank you to Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Martineau.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Marva, Thanks for stopping in. rez coffee is reservation coffee BTW...Debra's book is very authentic with language and customs. Sweet story.

Unknown said...

Yeah, and according to Peter Spotted Eagle Catcher, Cedar Woman's father, ..., if you throw a horseshoe in it, with the horse still attached, and they float, that’s Rez Coffee!”

Cellophane Queen said...

Rez Coffee. Floating horse. Cracking up!

Too funny.

J.Q. Rose said...

Bring on the Rez Coffee. Look out Starbucks!!

Unknown said...

JQ, you have the most interesting guests!! Sounds like a fabulous book. I just love when a heart-warming story incorporates such invaluable information. Its how I learned so much growing up with some of my favorite authors doing this same thing. I love it. Great job.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Karen, for stopping in. Yes indeed, books shape our dreams.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Karen! I had a blast writing it.

J.Q. Rose said...

The winner of the drawing is Marva Dasef. Congrats, Marva! Karen will send you a copy of her e book.

Anonymous said...

I'm way behind on my blog reading/commenting.

Marva, CONGRATS on winning an ebook copy!

Sounds like an interesting book.

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