Monday, May 2, 2011

What is Reading?

 I attended a Writers Live event at our local library on Wednesday evening. The guest author was Jonathan Rand who has written a series of books for 8-12 year olds called Michigan Chillers. Each horror story takes place in a city in Michigan e.g.Mayhem on Mackinac Island and Dinosaurs in Detroit. Likewise he has written a series entitled American Chillers which take place in each state. So far there are 30 of these. He plans to cover all 50 states.

His upbeat entertaining presentation mesmerized the students. Little did
they know he was being a cheerleader for reading. In his presentation he emphasized that reading isn't something you do. It's a place you go. Bingo. That resonated
even with this grandma. He also told the kids, "Books don't have covers. They
have doors."

Reading is one of my favorite things to do or should I say places to go? Enjoy your books. What's your favorite?

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