Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Snowbird Heading Home

Here I am under the palm tree in our back yard in Florida.

This snowbird is headed north...not flying away on snow white wings, but rather plodding along in our big blue truck. It is heavily loaded with all our possessions plus more stuff we just had to bring along for the kids. I have been offline while we traveled.

I love Florida in the winter. It is a great place to be to escape the snow and blizzards of the north country. But I am so ready to return home for kisses and hugs. Emails, Facebook and phone calls, not into texting yet, will never replace the actual touch, smell, and loving embrace of my family.

We surprised our grandsons at McDonald's in Muskegon. When our eight year old saw us, he raced across the parking lot and jumped into Grandpa's arms. Thank goodness he didn't knock gramps down! We were all thrilled to be together.

Go hug someone you love right now.

1 comment:

J.Q. Rose said...

This post was partially written on April 13, but I just finished it tonight, April 18. The post is dated when I first started it..funny it didn't change the date. Anyway we're home and I will keep in touch more regularly now.

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