Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog Hop Thursday-Writing in Logical Order

Do you write in logical order?
I like to think that I am more left brained than right brained. Left brained people are more organized, ordered, and systematic in their approach to life I usually think of accountants and IT people in this group. Right brained folks are, well, NOT so I imagine artists in this category.

Because I feel writing is a form of creative arts, I should fit into the right brained area, but when writing, I do follow the logical steps in progressing from the beginning to the conclusion of a story. I never write the middle before the beginning and would never think of writing the end before the beginning. However, having said that...I am flexible when writing so I can take twists and turns that add more to the story than what I had originally imagined.

So are you confused with this non-answer? I guess I am not writing too logically, eh?

Check out how other bloggers answer this question at Alternative Read. Scroll down the page and find the blogs participating this week.


Anonymous said...

I often wish I can be more logical in my writing.It would probably be a lot less jumbled and chaotic! And I'd never misplace that one critical piece of paper. :)

Cate Masters said...

I wish I could be more logical too. I forget which bestselling author always writes the last line of a novel first - John Irving? But whatever works! :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Right. Whatever works and makes you the most comfortable to get it all down on paper. Thanks for stopping by Cate and Dianne.

Unknown said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog on the hop. I've been held hostage by an unruly computer, so this is the first chance I've had to hop, actually. I'm with you: whatever works. Sometimes it's logical, sometimes not.

Have a great one!


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