St. Patrick's Day Contest

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Contest
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, we’re hosting a contest.*Objective*:
Scattered throughout the bookstore:
you’ll find 25 four-leaf clovers. HINT: Found in books already released.
Find all 25 four-leaf clovers, and you win $25.00
Contest begins March 8 and ends March 14.
The names of those who find all 25 titles will go into a draw for the $25.00 prize to be announced March 18, 2011.
You must have Paypal to exception. Winnings will be sent via Paypal.
Send the titles to:
publisher AT museituppublishing DOT com
Within the body of the email, give me your name to post on our website if you are the winner. Don’t forget to name all 25 titles in your email to qualify. On the subject heading place: St. Patrick's Day Contest
In the event no one finds all 25 four-leaf clovers, the person who discovers the most will win a dollar per four-leaf clover.
Now stop reading...go find the clovers.
Anyone associated with MuseItUp Publishing (authors and staff) is prohibited from entering.
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