Monday, February 7, 2011

E-book Formats Are Confusing...Here's Help

Once upon a time there were e-books and e-zines in their own little world on the Internet. The people laughed and thought how clever to write a short little booklet of information accessed on the pc. Then the clever little electronic books found their niche as promotional tools in business.

In 2000 Stephen King presented his fiction in the form of a "digital novella" which added credence to the idea of e-books having a place in the publishing business. Today with the Kindle, Nook, and more e-readers, plus apps for reading on other devices, the e-book is part of the national scene, not replacing print books, but enhancing the availability of stories and information to readers.

With so many reading devices, there are different e-book formats. Nothing is standard...yet. So if you are confused as to what format you need to order when purchasing an e-book, David Normoyle has added a Format Guide to his website. This clear, easy-to-read guide is a great reference for you. Thanks, David.

David's new e-book, Crimson Dream, is available now at Muse It Up Publishing bookstore.

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