Saturday, February 19, 2011

Astonishing Realization--Thank You!

An astonishing realization hit me this week.  I discovered that I began this writing journey secluded at my desk with my laptop. Now I am not alone at all as I prepare to send my debut novella out into the big, cold world. I received benefits from joining the writing community that I never imagined, namely the support and goodwill from so many strangers who are now friends to me.

First at the newspaper where I was given a chance to contribute "people centered" stories. I have maintained a camaraderie with that office. Through my feature articles, I met a great group of editors who supported me. Crazy enough, I still have friends from the years when I was a contributing editor for an ezine which sold out. But those writers still maintain a loop and we try and keep up with each other.

A fantastic group of fun-loving, articulate, intelligent writers make up my writers circle where we meet together at the local library. Many are now published authors, including me, mainly because of this fantastic group of people who I call "friends."

I am now experiencing a warm new group, the Muse It Up Authors, who are so supportive of each other offering opportunities for promotion on their blogs, advice on the loop, information, and warm chocolate chip cyber cookies for all those who sign up with the Muse. They make me laugh, think, smile, and just be proud to be an author!

Thanks to all of you for making this writer feel blessed.


Wendy said...

Hi J. Q.
Thought I'd drop by and say Hi. Congratulations on your new release Sunshine Boulevard. I like your blog spot too. It's nice to be surrounded by writing friends, isn't it? I just wish I had a face-to-face group like I had a few years ago. I miss them.
All the best from a fellow Muse author,
Wendy (Calamity)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you Wendy for visiting. Yes, I am excited to be a fellow muser. Best wishes!

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