Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Galley

A galley. uses these synonyms for a galley--galley , galley proof, impression, page proof, pass, pull, repro, revise, slip, stereo, trial, trial print, trial proof

Were you thinking of a kitchen on a boat? No, it is a publishing term derived from setting type in a metal sleeve and placing it on the printing press. In modern terms, I received a galley from my publisher and it was a digital file of my entire book, Sunshine Boulevard, as it will appear as an online ebook. Lea Schizas, formatting editor and publisher at Muse It Up Publishing included instructions--"go over this with a fine tooth comb." I searched for typos, grammar errors, punctuation problems, incorrect line spacings. whew...Now it's on me if there are any goofs in the book. That is scary enough, but even more scary is what she added.--"The sooner you get this back to me, the sooner we can finalize it and send it out for reviews."

Reviews, what? That has me shaking in my boots. My little story which I wrote closeted at my safe desk oblivious of the world around me, will now be sent out into the cold, cruel world for criticism, judgment, praise, applause, or rotten tomatoes.

The plan is for release on March 1, 2011. When I signed the contract for Sunshine Boulevard, I thought March 1 was so far away. Now it is just around the corner. I am excited to share it with readers, but also a bit apprehensive. Whatever happens, I have enjoyed the adventure into publishing.


Anne Patrick said...

Congratulations on your upcoming release, JQ. Reviews are very scary, but also very exciting sometimes. I wish you all five stars! And enjoy the ride, it gets even better!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks so much, Anne. I appreciate your encouragement.

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