Friday, August 13, 2010

You're Invited

You're invited to join me as I journey through the new and changing publishing industry. My first e-book, Sunshine Boulevard, is a mystery, horror novella.  I am a freelance writer with articles featured in magazines and newspapers and online ezines. Fiction writing is new for me in this writing career. (I am not counting all the stories I began writing in second grade.) I was thrilled when I learned Lea Schizas, publisher at Muse It Up Publishing, emailed me telling me their board loved this lighthearted, fun read.

Not only am I new to publishing novels, but also to this new world of e-books. I am facing a big learning curve as my first book is a fictional, e-book. I am looking forward to the learning opportunities ahead of me.

Please come with me to experience this new adventure. I might need you to hold my hand.....

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