Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Editing Begins

Oh, yeah.  My sparkling and perfect manuscript (ms) is revealing some flaws. Unbelievable!! My editor at Muse It Up Publishing, Karen McGrath, sent me a sheet full of words that need to be weeded out to avoid passive voice. Some of the 24 words she doesn't want to see unless really really necessary are that, had, but, and, then, about, was as, very, were, has been, will be, around, just, could.

I smugly popped on the Edit tag in Word 2003 and scrolled to Find. Knowing that I would not be using just in my ms, I clicked on Find just. Lo and behold, there was a ton of them! Just imagine. I guess I just didn't realize how much I unconsciously slipped it in. Just how crazy is that!

I am wading through this arduous task. I must admit it is an eye opening experience, and I feel that I am improving my ms with this.

I am afraid to go to Find and..........

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