Hi Erin, Welcome to the Hobby Hoedown. I think readers will understand why you feel so passionate about your hobby, running. Please share with us how you found this hobby.
JQ! Thank you so much for having me on
Hobby Hoedown to talk about my passion/hobby—running!
As a child,
I played many sports. My poor mother ran
from practice to practice during the week and game to game on the weekend. At the age of 14, I developed a chronic knee
problem. The pain became so bad I
eventually had to stop playing all sports.
I walked around with huge knee braces and crutches for several
months. My dream of becoming the next
Mia Hamm died.
A few years
ago, my friends and I were hanging out and talking about our dreams. Most of our dreams appeared quite
unattainable, but one friend said she wanted to become a runner. We all jumped on the bandwagon, encouraging
her to pursue and fulfill this reachable goal.
Another friend mentioned the Couch to 5k program, so I Googled it when I
got home. The website claimed even
people with bad knees and asthma (both of which I have) could successfully
complete Couch to 5k. I sent the link to
the runner dream friend and told her I would do the program with her. She wrote back saying the timing didn’t work
out for her. Curious about the program,
I decided to give it a go myself.
After my
first day of training, I told my soul sister, Dawn, about my experience. Neither my knees nor asthma gave me
trouble. Encouraged (she also suffers
from knee trouble and asthma), she agreed to do the program with me and became
my running partner. We followed the
Couch to 5k plan for the full nine week course.
My knees and lungs grew stronger.
After years of sitting on the sidelines, I could finally run again, and
I loved it!
Let me show
you a pretty picture of us before
I show you
ones where we are all sweaty! LOL!
To celebrate
my birthday, which coincided with the completion of the program, Dawn and I
entered our first 5k. We went on to
enter more and loved the experience of training and preparing for races. One day, we turned to one another and said,
“If we can be runners, anyone can!” We
advertised a free Couch to 5k class through a local website, unsure whether or
not we would get interest. On the first
day of class, twenty-five people showed up.
We love sharing the joy of running with others and
now offer Couch to 5k classes every spring and fall. Seeing our students transform into full-on
runners brings us immeasurable joy.
Finishing one
of our 5ks / Excited for our students completing their first 5k
running several 5ks, Dawn and I decided to try for a 10k then a half marathon,
but unfortunately, Dawn developed terrible heel pain. She went to the doctor and discovered she had
plantar fasciitis. Like the true sole
sister she is, Dawn encouraged me to continue training while she worked toward
recovery. I ran my first half marathon
in April of 2012. Dawn, who had to
attend a family function and couldn’t be with me, cheered for me via text the
whole race. Her support carried me to
the finish line. I now offer 10k and
half marathon training classes in addition to the 5k classes Dawn and I
My 13.1 sticker on my car and one of my ½
marathon finisher’s medals
If you are
interested in running—for fun, for exercise, for stress relief, etc—I highly
encourage you to give the Couch to 5k program a try. There are apps for the phone to make training
easier. Also, find a running partner or
running group. Accountability helps keep
you on the path to success.
Running can
be a blast with the right people and the right costumes!
Couch to 5K
website: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
Couch to 5k
app information (includes 10k and ½ marathon apps too): http://www.exerciseforpink.com/
Thanks again
for having me on your blog, JQ! I hope
your readers will be inspired to give running a try! J If you want
to know more about me and my upcoming young adult epic high fantasy, The
Prophecy, you can like me on FB (Erin Albert Books), follow me on Twitter
(@ErinAlbertBooks), or subscribe to my blog (www.erinalbertbooks.com).
About Erin

What a great idea! I'll have to check out the Couch to 5K site.
Love the pictures and the fun they show you having!!
I absolutely love your photos, Erin. What a brilliant time you're having! I admire your determination
Thanks so much for hosting me today, JQ! I'm always excited to talk about running!! PS. I think I forgot to mention that the original friend in my tale (the one who wanted to be a runner) did complete the 5k program and just ran a 10k! :)
Mary- Definitely check out the C25k website! The program is AH-MAZING!
Helena- Thanks, dear!! We have a good time when we run! Dawn and I believe people should enjoy their exercise. :)
Your hobby is certainly worthwhile and it sounds like it has become a second career. It's great to find something you really love doing. Congratulations on your upcoming release too, Erin. I'm sure your writing reflects your inner passion. It's probably safe to say you have mastered 'running writing' in more ways than one. :)
Great article! I love reading these tidbits about authors! Erin, it's been great getting to know you better, and taking part in the C25K journey! It's been especially awesome to learn to be a super strong ninja with you too! We look forward to getting to know you better, and are anxious to read The Prophecy!
Go Erin! I love that you do this :) One of these days I'm going to train for a half--I've been wanting to for ages!
Couch to 5k change my life, and I'm pretty sure Erin was the one to turn me on to it! Thanks Coach! ;) I'm looking forward to reading The Prophecy because having know Erin in high school, I know she does not do anything half-way! I'm sure it will be an excellent read!
Your passion shines, Erin! I loved seeing the photos. You look like you're having so much fun! This story is so inspiring; it's so great that you've helped so many people, too. I've had knee pain since I was thirteen, and I'm just now getting back to dancing, which I used to love.
Gah, The Prophecy! Impatience!
We learn something new about our friends everyday! Yay! How neat is that?
Wendy- Thank you so much!!! :)
Scrappy (aka: Yvonne)- I am so glad you took part in the C25k journey and became one of my Ninja pals! I have loved getting to know you! We have a lot of great laughs!! I'm looking forward to more Ninja adventures! <3
Meradeth- Go for the 1/2! You can so do it!! I'm excited for you!! :)
Lauren- Awwwww...thank you!!! You have become an amazing runner chick!
Jimena- Thank you so much! Good luck with your dancing!! Knee pain can be so annoying!!
Suzanne- Thanks for reading, dear! :)
Popping in to say hi to everyone. After reading your comments, I think Erin must be a great coach AND writer. I am so happy she shared her hobby/passion on the Hobby Hoedown and I got to meet her. Anxious to read the Prophecy. Come back, Erin, when it's pubbed so we can shout about its release! Congratulations!!
Thank you, JQ!! I will! :)
FYI-- Our article got tagged in Rusty's Fitness Magazine! :) http://paper.li/rusty_thompson/1308180738
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